Muscle Strain and Tears

Muscle strains are common among athletes and fitness fanatics, as well as everyday folks to enjoy recreational training. While staying fit is very important, its also very important to listen to your body and pace yourself. Muscle strains are painful and they come in three types. Type I is mild where muscle fibers are stretched or torn but the muscle conserves its normal strength. Type 2 is a moderate tear; it includes more muscle damage and includes noticeable bruising and loss of strength. Type 3 involves separation from the tendon, serious swelling and complete loss of muscle use. The damage is visible and usually includes a dent, internal bleeding and bruising.

If you suffer from a muscle strain or tear, a physician or doctor can examine the muscle to determine how much damage has occurred. This will determine the necessary treatment and recovery time needed. While you should consult with a physician if you suffer an injury, some at home treatment can be applied to the muscle. While using a towel you can initially apply cold to the swollen muscle, followed up by heat. Applying heat in the beginning of the swelling can cause more swelling and pain. Some anti-inflammatory drugs can also be taken, but please consult with your doctor before taking any medication.

In order to prevent muscle strain and muscle tear, it is important to stretch as well as warm up before an exercise. Often times muscle strains can be caused by overuse and abuse. If you suffer from muscle strain, please visit one of physicians for proper care and medication. No appointment necessary, simply walk to our facility.

*Disclaimer: Information provided here is meant as general knowledge and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult a physician for an exact diagnosis and treatment. 

